Get Good Sleep

Encouraging the nation to #letstalksleep, bringing sleep to the forefront of health awareness, this free resource explains what sleep is, common issues, and how to get quality sleep.

A recent survey found 29% of adults tune into the TV to help them drift off rather than seek professional advice and a fifth cited they sleep poorly, regularly. So, it is clear that the nation needs better understanding and support when it comes to sleep. We want to reassure those affected and those who feel isolated, that they’re not alone and help is available. With the right support, things can change.

The Sleep Charity can help you if you or someone you know are struggling to sleep or just want to sleep better.

Snapshot of the Sleep E-book

The Sleep Charity, incorporating The Sleep Council, provide advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better. Their website is full of information and advicem, for adults and children, to deal with most sleep issues. The Adult sleep E-book is a 7 page support book, Understanding Your Sleep, will help you to get a good night’s slumber. Whether you have a sleep issue or just want to arm yourself with further knowledge, this free resource is packed with information, advice, and tips. #Letstalksleep! 

You can download the E-book by clicking on of the following:

 TSC-1423-Adult-Sleep-eBook_Final.pdf (FULL COLOUR COPY)

TSC-1423-Adult-Sleep-eBook_Print_Final.pdf (EASY PRINT VERSION)


Visit The Sleep Charity by following this link for more support on adult sleep issues. You can also find support on child sleep issues by following this link